
Derivations and Meaning of the Name Elena

The name Elena holds derivations from Spanish, Greek, and Italian. The overall derivation is Greek, from the name Helen, which comes from the Greek word “helene”, which means “torch.”

The meaning of Elena, as spelled and pronounced in this article, means “bright, shining light”.


The popularity of Elena as a name has maintained for many generations, and has been high on many lists of girls’ names, Especially in England. Although still very popular, it was not in the top 100 in 2019.

It is a very common name, and comes in a few different pronunciations and spellings. Examples include Elaina, Ellena, and Alena.

Famous people with the name Elena

There are many popular figures who hold the name. For example:

  • Elena Gilbert, a popular young actress known for her appearances in The Vampire Diaries.
  • There is also Elena Ferrante, an Italian author born in 1942, known for writing The Napolean Quartet.
The English signer Elena Goulding better known as Ellie Goulding
The English signer Elena Goulding better known as Ellie Goulding

“Ellie Goulding 04/08/2016 #16” by jus10h is licensed under CC BY 2.0

  • Another, more recent example is Ellie Goulding (born Elena Jane Goulding), a singer, songwriter from England.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and popularity of other English girls’ names.

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